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Our Next Event: Gateway Family Church | Glen Carbon IL








Our Purpose

Mission: For women across the nation and nations of the world, to awaken with hope & vision of the goodness of God. Through seeking Him first, encountering the simple gospel, and hearing practical wisdom, women become equipped to step towards God’s dream over their life.

Vision: To give space for Jesus to make all the difference. At Awaken the Wonder, we gather for one purpose, to encounter His heart through simple, passionate, pursuit. In His presence hearts are awakened to who He is and The extravagant love He has for each one of us. Through these God-encounters, lives are forever marked, hearts will be refreshed, and vision and hope is restored. We invited everyone to come as they are. True breakthrough happens when we are real and authentic with Holy Spirit and each other.

Who Are We

We are three women who were all radically impacted by the Brownsville Revival in the late 90’s. Forever marked by His heart, each of us went on our own journey following the Lord, each of us serving the Lord in different places. Several years ago, God began to uniquely and wonderfully bring us into each other’s lives. It can only be described as friendships orchestrated by the Lord. God used our friendship to draw out the dreams He had placed within our hearts. It wasn’t long before we began dreaming together and vision for the future began to pour out. Sitting around a kitchen table we dreamed of creating a space where women could encounter Him and come alive again in His Presence…we just wanted to give away what He has so graciously given us. We began to dream of a place where women could encounter His beauty, a place where it was ok to let your walls down, a place where we gave him room to do what He desired to do. We could feel the heartbeat of the Father and his love for his bride. Several months later, we had our first “Awaken the Wonder” meeting in Pensacola, Florida. It was glorious. A local church was packed out with a crowd of hungry women who were forever changed in His Presence. We rejoiced at His goodness. We sought the Lord about what we were to do next and felt led to lay this ministry before His beautiful feet, knowing that unless the Lord builds the house, the work of the laborer is in vain. Now, here we are, over a year later stepping out on faith as He is again leading! Here’s to encountering His Glory. Here’s to hearts being awakened. Here’s to His kingdom come.

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“Here’s to encountering His Glory. Here’s to hearts being awakened. Here’s to His kingdom come.”